Podcast - FinOps Pods - The FinOps Podcast - Episode 27

Name: FinOps Pods - The FinOps Podcast

URL: https://www.finops.org/community/finops-podcast/

Overview:The FinOpsPod [PodCast] connects practitioners with the rest of the FinOps Foundation community. Real-world FinOps practitioners will share their experiences or interview one another, and the Foundation team will share the latest news about the community.

Episode 27. – FinOpsPod, Episode 27 FinOps X Session Preview & KBYG – Anastasija Jakovleva – Inspiring 140 Years Old Company to Implement FinOps

Stacy & Joe share a ‘Know Before You Go’ for FinOps X in this final session preview before the conference.

Then Anastasija Jakovleva shares a preview of what to expect from her breakout session “Inspiring 140 Years Old Company to Implement FinOps”, a talk on how to get FinOps buy-in when Cloud isn’t yet a major focus of the company.

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