Finops Unit Economics Working Group

Reposted from Kevin Mueler

:rocket: Calling all FinOps Enthusiasts! :rocket:

As a proud member of the FinOps Foundation’s unit economics working group, I am thrilled to announce a big step towards building a stronger community of financial operations enthusiasts! :chart_with_upwards_trend::bulb:

We want to hear YOUR invaluable insights and experiences in the realm of FinOps unit economics!

By sharing your user stories, you contribute to a knowledge-sharing movement that empowers everyone involved. Ready to inspire and educate? It’s as simple as clicking on the link LinkedIn and pouring your FinOps wisdom into a quick form. Your story could be featured on the prestigious website! :newspaper::globe_with_meridians:

Join us in shaping the future of financial operations. Your incredible stories will make a positive impact on the entire FinOps community. :pray::muscle: